#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the pattern-clustering project.
# https://github.com/nokia/pattern-clustering
"""Functions used for the HTML rendering"""
__author__ = "Marc-Olivier Buob"
__maintainer__ = "Marc-Olivier Buob"
__email__ = "marc-olivier.buob@nokia-bell-labs.com"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2022, Nokia"
__license__ = "BSD-3"
from collections import defaultdict
from pybgl.property_map import ReadPropertyMap, make_func_property_map
[docs]def make_html_colors(num_colors: int, s: str = "80%", l: str = "40%") -> list:
Makes a list of ``num_colors`` rainbow colors.
num_colors (int): The number of colors to generate.
s (str): The saturation (cf HSL), e.g., "80%".
l (str): The light (cf HSL), e.g., "40%" .
A list of ``num_colors`` strings containing HTML colors.
assert num_colors > 0
return [
"hsl(%s)" % ", ".join([str(int(360 * (i / num_colors))), s, l])
for i in range(num_colors)
[docs]def values_to_colors(values: iter, *args, **kwargs) -> dict:
Maps some distinguishable values (possibly duplicated) with distinct HTML colors.
values (iter): An iterable containing arbitrary hashable objects.
*args: See `make_html_colors`.
**kwargs: See `make_html_colors`.
A dictionary mapping each distinct value with a corresponding
HTML color.
unique_values = set(values)
colors = make_html_colors(len(unique_values), *args, **kwargs)
return {
value : colors[i]
for (i, value) in enumerate(sorted(unique_values))
[docs]def colors_to_html(colors: list, i_to_label, join: str = " ") -> str:
Exports a list of HTML colors to HTML strings.
colors (list): The HTML colors.
i_to_label (callable): A ``Callback(int) -> str`` returning the label corresponding
to a given color index (according to ``colors``).
join (str): A string used to join HTML strings related to each color.
Defaults to ``" "``.
The corresponding HTML string.
return " ".join([
"<font style='color:%s'>%s</font>" % (color, i_to_label(i))
for (i, color) in enumerate(colors)
[docs]def lines_to_html(
lines: list,
skip_line: callable = None,
line_to_html: callable = None
) -> str:
Exports a list of ``str`` to HTML.
lines (list): The list of strings where each string corresponds to
the lines of the input file.
skip_line (callable): A ``Callback(int, str) -> bool`` taking in parameters the row
and the line content, and returning ``True`` if the line is relevant.
By default, all lines are considered.
line_to_html (callable): A ``Callback(int, str) -> str`` taking in parameters
the row (line number) and the line content, and returning the
corresponding HTML rendering.
The corresponding HTML string
if not skip_line:
skip_line = lambda row, line: False
if not line_to_html:
line_to_html = lambda i, line: "%3s: %s" % (i, line)
return "<pre>%s</pre>" % "<br/>".join([
line_to_html(row, line)
for (row, line) in enumerate(lines)
if not skip_line(row, line)
[docs]def clustered_lines_to_html(
lines :list,
map_row_cluster :dict,
row_to_html = None,
line_to_html = None,
skip_line = None,
show_caption :bool = True,
map_cluster_name :dict = None
) -> str:
Exports a list of clustered ``str`` to HTML.
lines (list): The list of strings where each string corresponds to
the lines of the input file.
map_row_cluster (dict): Maps each row (``int``) with the corresponding cluster ID.
row_to_html: ``Callback(int, str) -> str`` mapping the row (line number) and the line
content with the corresponding HTML rendering of the line.
See also ``RowFormatter``.
line_to_html (callable): A ``Callback(int, str) -> str`` taking in parameters
the row (line number) and the line content, and returning the
corresponding HTML rendering.
skip_line (callable): A ``Callback(int, str) -> bool`` taking in parameters the row
and the line content, and returning ``True`` if the line is relevant.
By default, all lines are considered.
show_caption (bool): Pass ``False`` to hide the caption mapping each
cluster with its corresponding color. Defaults to ``True``.
map_cluster_name (dict): Maps each cluster ID with its corresponding name.
The corresponding HTML string.
clusters = set(map_row_cluster.values())
map_cluster_color = values_to_colors(clusters)
if skip_line is None:
skip_line = lambda row, line: False
if not row_to_html:
row_to_html = clusters_to_row_formatter(map_row_cluster, map_cluster_color)
if not line_to_html:
line_to_html = lambda row, line: line
cluster_colors = [
for color in map_cluster_color.values()
if not map_cluster_name:
map_cluster_name = {
cluster : "Cluster %d" % i
for (i, cluster) in enumerate(clusters)
cluster_names = [
for cluster in clusters
return "".join([
# Caption
lambda i: cluster_names[i],
join = " "
) if show_caption else "",
# Lines
skip_line = skip_line,
line_to_html = lambda row, line: "%s: %s" % (
row_to_html(row, line),
line_to_html(row, line)
[docs]def pattern_clustering_to_html(lines: list, clusters: list) -> str:
Convert pattern_clustering results to HTML.
lines (list): A list of string (e.g., the lines of text stored in a log file).
clusters (list): A list containing where ``clusters[i]`` identifies the cluster
of the ``i``-th line of ``lines`` (indexed from ``0``).
The HTML rendering of the clustering.
return clustered_lines_to_html(
map_row_cluster = {
i : cluster_id
for (i, cluster_id) in enumerate(clusters)