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Getting started

ntt is a free and open application stack for TTCN-3, which lets you focus on writing tests

Table of contents
  1. Getting started
    1. Test Suite Manifest

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Test Suite Manifest

To execute a test suite you usually need more than just a bunch of TTCN-3 source files: You need generators, adapters, codecs, a lot of scripting, compile time configuration, runtime configuration, post processing tools, caching of build-artifacts and more. A manifest file provides a stable frame for tools to work together nicely.

Every ntt test suite should provide a manifest file package.yml at the root of the test suite directory structure. Supported fields:

Name Type Details
name string Name of the test suite.
sources string[] TTCN-3 Source files containing tests.
imports string[] Packages the suite depends on. This could be adapters, codecs, generators, …
timeout number Default timeout for tests in seconds.
test_hook string Path to test hook script.
parameters_file string Path to module parameters file.
variables map[string]string A key value list of custom variables.

Environment Variables

Manifest values can be overwritten by environment variables. Environment variables will always take precedence over regular variables. Regular variables have to be declared in a TOML formatted file ntt.env or in variables section in the manifest:

$ echo '{"variables": {"NTT_NAME": "OrignalName" }, "name": "$NTT_NAME" }' > package.yml

$ ntt show -- name

$ NTT_NAME=NewName ntt show -- name

You also can overwrite arrays like sources or imports with environment variables (NTT_SOURCES="foo.ttcn3 bar.ttcn3" ...), but note that spaces might become problematic.