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Getting ncm-issuer logs

In case of any problem, besides checking the status of created resources, you can also check the ncm-issuer pod logs:

kubectl -n ncm-issuer logs -f `kubectl get pods -A -l app=ncm-issuer -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`

If you deployed troubleshooting sidecar as well, you can check the ncm-issuer pod logs this way:

kubectl -n ncm-issuer logs -c ncm-issuer -f `kubectl get pods -A -l app=ncm-issuer -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'`

Setting logging verbosity level

In the case of increasing logging verbosity level change the logging.logLevel in values.yaml to wanted value and update your deployment. To get all possible log messages, simply set the logging.logLevel to 3, you can also additionally change the logging.stacktraceLevel to error.

Enabling troubleshooting sidecar

There is also the possibility of using sidecar for debugging purposes - just change the value of sidecar.enabled to true in values.yaml and update your deployment.