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The first thing you need to configure and create after installing ncm-issuer is Issuer or ClusterIssuer. The Issuer or ClusterIssuer is considered as a representative of an existing certificate authority (CA) in the NCM that will issue certificates using it.

Resource definition

Below is an example yaml file containing Issuer definition:

kind: Issuer
  name: example-ncm-issuer
  namespace: ncm-ns
  # caName or caID is always required.
  caName: ncm-ca
  caID: e1DefAscx
    # mainAPI is always required.
    mainAPI: https://nokia-ncm.local
    backupAPI: https://nokia-backup-ncm.local
    httpClientTimeout: 10s
    healthCheckerInterval: 1m
    # authRef is always required.
      name: ncm-rest-auth
      namespace: ncm-ns
      name: ncm-tls
      namespace: ncm-ns
  profileId: "101"
  useProfileIDForRenew: true
  reenrollmentOnRenew: true
  noRoot: true
  chainInSigner: false
  onlyEECert: true


With release 1.1.0-1.1.0 the name of some fields in Issuer has changed, but old names are still supported and can be used (this applies to: CASNAME, CASHREF, ncmSERVER, ncmSERVER2, secretName, tlsSecretName, authNameSpace), but they are not recommended to be used anymore.

Fields description

The number next to the label icon indicates from which version the fields are supported.


Field Description
.spec.caName Name of an existing CA in the NCM, which will be used to issue certificates (required if .spec.caID is not specified)
.spec.caID Unique href (or ID) identifier for existing CA in the NCM, which will be used to issue certificates (required if .spec.caName is not specified)
.spec.provisioner.mainAPI The URL to the main NCM API endpoint (always required)
.spec.provisioner.backupAPI The URL to the backup NCM API endpoint in case of the lack of connection to the main one
.spec.provisioner.httpClientTimeout Maximum amount of time that the HTTP client will wait for a response from NCM API before aborting the request
.spec.provisioner.healthCheckerInterval The time interval between each NCM API health check
.spec.provisioner.authRef Reference to a secret containing the credentials (user and password) needed for making requests to NCM API (always required)
.spec.provisioner.tlsRef Reference to a secret containing CA bundle used to verify connections to the NCM API. If the secret reference is not specified and selected protocol is HTTPS, InsecureSkipVerify will be used. Otherwise, TLS or mTLS connection will be used, depending on provided data


Field Description
.spec.chainInSigner Determines whether certificate chain should be included in issued certificate CA field (ca.crt - root CA certificate + intermediate CA certificates + singing CA certificate)
.spec.onlyEECert Determines whether only end-entity certificate should be included in issued certificate TLS field (tls.crt)


Field Description
.spec.reenrollmentOnRenew Determines whether during renewal, certificate should be re-enrolled instead of renewed
.spec.profileId Entity profile ID in NCM
.spec.noRoot Determines whether issuing CA certificate should be included in issued certificate CA field (ca.crt) instead of root CA certificate


The following fields are not recommended to be used anymore!

Field Description
.spec.CASNAME Name of an existing CA in the NCM, which will be used to issue certificates
.spec.CASHREF Unique HREF identifier for existing CA in the NCM, which will be used to issue certificates
.spec.ncmSERVER The URL to the main NCM API endpoint
.spec.ncmSERVER2 The URL to the backup NCM API endpoint in case of the lack of connection to the main one
.spec.SecretName The name of secret which contains the credentials (user and password) needed for making requests to NCM REST API
.spec.authNameSpace The name of namespace in which secret to NCM API credentials can be found
.spec.tlsSecretName The name of secret which contains CA bundle used to verify connections to the NCM API