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RED - Robot Editor

Eclipse based editor for RobotFramework testcases

RED - Robot Editor User Guide > User guide > Integration with other tools >

How to integrate RED with Robotframework Maven Plugin

The created jython.exe file has to two possibilities to set robotframework*.jar location:

  1. via already set variable %RF_JAR% you can set it in System Variables
  2. using jar located in the same directory where jython.exe file is present

The last test before integration with RED - is to test if executable file was compiled ok and will work.

Execute in command line:

set RF_JAR=D:\userdata\RED\Desktop
set RF_JAR=C:\Users\RED\.m2\repository\org\robotframework\robotframework\3.0\robotframework-3.0.jar
jython.exe -m --version </br>

If output looks like: Robot Framework 3.0 (Jython 2.7.0 on java1.*) it means that you can integrate jython.exe with RED.

To integrate jython.exe with RED:

  1. put jython.exe file to bin directory. It can be anywhere, but parent folder must be named as bin - i.e. C:\bin\
  2. It is easier to copy robotframework*.jar to this bin directory instead of set RF_JAR environment variable
  3. run eclipse.exe or RED.exe depends on which RED version you are using
  4. go to Window -> Preferences -> Robot Framework -> Installed frameworks
  5. click Add... button and select bin directory from 1.
  6. if everything is ok, information about Robot Framework version should be visible
  7. when you will create RED project or execute Clean\Build, you should see in Robot Standard libraries standard libraries like i.e. BultIn with information about keywords, which they contains.