Validation - setting issues severity levels
General information
Validation findings levels can be customized in Preferences (
Window -> Preferences -> Robot Framework -> Errors/Warnings
Each issue can be reported as error/warning/info/ignore. In case of setting ignore level, such validation issue type
will not be visible in Problems view. Each issue is described in more detail in tooltips popping up when
hovering the cursor over it.
- Note
- There are RED specific validation types grouped under Project configuration category, which are essential for RED and can have Fatal severity level. Such problems are reported even when validation is turned off, and building as well as validation is cancelled then.
Besides setting severity levels it is possible to completely turn off validation by checking Turn off validation
preferences. It is not recommended since validation mechanism gives quick insight into potential problems without the need
to try and run tests.
Categories of issues
The issues are categorized into several groups:
- Code style: are usually minor issues which may cause problems in some situations but shouldn't influence the tests,
- Name shadowing and conflicts are related to using same name for different things (like two different keywords sharing the same name),
- Unnecessary code problems are reported when RED detects the code which is useless,
- Import category groups issues related to Library/Resource/Variables imports used in Robot files,
- Robot version groups issues regarding different Robot versions and possible problems related to that,
- Runtime gathers the issues which would most probably fail with an error when the test is being executed,
- Project configuration is grouping issues related to RED project configuration and problems in it.